Baxter Healthcare of Marion Makes Wellness Program Possible

Southmountain Children and Family Services is very excited to be the recipient of a generous grant of $97,596 from Baxter Healthcare of Marion.  Our project, called “Growing a Wellness Program at our Foster Community” will allow us to launch a health and wellness program on our campus. Our goal is to create a climate of health and wellness for our parents, children and staff and we will begin this process by helping each family establish personal goals.
This project will focus on health, exercise and nutrition and will allow us to purchase state-of-the art gym equipment and set up a fitness room in our campus gymnasium. We will also use grant funding to hire a wellness coordinator who will set up the workout room, schedule and teach classes for parents and children, and arrange for other teachers to teach classes. The program will have a nutrition education component that will focus on the benefits of fresh versus processed foods; and some of the grant funding will be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables for families. We are also building incentives into the program to motivate participants to begin and to continue in an exercise routine and healthy eating.

Thank you so much Baxter Healthcare!

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